About us
Our ambition is to develop interesting fund solutions that challenge the market's existing solutions and to create added value for our customers.
This is Movestic Fonder

Movestic Fonder is a subsidiary of Movestic Livförsäkring AB, a Swedish life insurance company providing different saving solutions on the Swedish market. Movestic Livförsäkring AB is its turn a subsidiary to Chesnara Plc., a UK company listed on the London Stock Exchange. Our Board of Directors is based in Stockholm.

We are a fund management company and under the supervision of the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority. Movestic Fonder AB is also a member of Fondbolagens Förening and follows their codes of conduct and guidelines.


We have the following authorizations

  • Permission to conduct fund operations, in accordance with the Securities Funds Act (2004: 46), Chapter 1. § 4
  • Discretionary portfolio management regarding financial instruments, in accordance with the Securities Funds Act (2004: 46), Chapter 1. § 4



Our staff

  • Stefan Klohammar, Interim CEO
  • Gordon Molander, Portfolio Analytics
  • Johan Tjeder, Portfolio Management
  • Anders Nordbrandt, Portfolio Management
  • Michaela Tredal, Operation Manager
  • Ingrid Anderson, Operation Manager (parental leave)


Our board

  • Marek Rydén, Chairman of the Board
  • Lina Jankler, Board member
  • Stefan Klohammar, Board member
  • Veronica Sommerfeld, Board member


Contact your broker or Movestic Liv & Pension if you want to invest in our funds. If you want to make a complaint, read more here.

Movestic Fonder

Mail: info@movesticfonder.se
Telephone number: +468 - 120 392 00


Read about us in Swedish